A decentralized oracle network (DON) creates an open standard that is sustainable, equitable, accessible, transparent, and scalable (SEATS).

Assembly is a platform that allows anyone to connect publicly owned government data to Web3 in a standardized format. Standardization makes data more accessible to government, private actors, and citizens. Accessibility enables anyone to share that data either for free or to monetize the data. And once made shareable, the data is transparent, reducing the data's costs. The result is a circuitous flywheel.

What Assembly is not

Assembly is not a data aggregator or a cloud provider of storage, networking, and compute. Assembly’s open standard delinks data publication from government service contracts controlled by large tech companies that provide data storage, networking, compute. This reduces costs, increases competition, and creates new opportunities for innovation.

Government entities can still contract with large tech companies for storage, networking, and compute. But smaller companies will now be able to compete to provide new tools. These tools might data storage, networking, and compute, linking data between agencies or between cities that use different systems. It can also mean providing more a la carte tools for most government entities that cannot afford long-term service contracts with large tech companies.

What Assemby is

An open standard creates economic incentives for private-party stakeholders to standardize tools, policies, and practices. Data aggregation remains a function of government entities. But the platform empowers entrepreneurs to build tools with the data or offer new servers to government entities to manage the data.

Putting government data on Web3 tools has three key benefits. One, it standardizes data, making it easier for government entities to share information. Two, it promises economic growth because standardized data increases the ecosystem of potential companies that can bid on projects, reducing costs. And three, it increases transparency because open APIs give the public more insight into government activities.

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