Building in the open is a value set.

The North Star for 2023 is to raise $300k to launch the project.


The focus for Q1 is product-market fit (PMF). The key to PMF at this stage is to engage with potential users to refine the product and demonstrate traction with growth partners. At this time, Assembly has an operating hypothetical gradient of influence audience. This target audience includes civic technologists. Accordingly, the focus of Q1 is to reach out to and acquire commitments from potential groups.


  • Funding. Raise $300k in capital by December 31st, 2023.

  • Partnerships. Acquire 32 Group partners by December 31st, 2023.

  • Email list. Build an email list of 1k emails by December 31st, 2023.



The number of conversations held with the hypothetical users of Assembly. This number is purposefully small with a highly defined target community (gradient of influence).

Email List

The number of users that sign up to the Assembly email list. Email list growth will be driven by outreach to groups (to share Assembly with their community) and through the website from organic traffic or other methods, such as through blog readership.

Looking ahead: An email list provides a market potential growth, which feeds into User Signups. Eventually, User signups and the number of operational nodes monthly will supplant emails.

TARGETS (specific goals)


*Partnerships are with Groups

Email List

  • I am using the median number of members on Meetup for a specific set of civic technology groups that will be part of the first phase of outreach as a proxy. As I collect more data, that number will be refined.

**Assumes highly motivated and target audience with Partnership acting as advocates: 50% open rate, leading to 10% email signup.



Email List


Last updated